クラス規則 2020
| クラス規則
: 2020 :
One Design
Part One
Part Two
1. Measurement Dia...
2. Measurement
3. Control Systems ...
(a) Cont.. Definition
(b) Control Lines ...
(c) Mainsheet
(d) Vang
(e) Cunningham
(f) Outhaul
(g) Clew Tie Down
(h) Traveller
4. Sail Numbers, N...
5. Mast
6. Clothing & Equip...
7. Sailing Requirem...
8. Hull Coatings
9. Membership
10. Advertising
Part Three
11. Hull Finish
12. Transom Drain ...
13. Self Bailer
14. Centreboard
15. Rudder
16. Tiller
17. Hiking Strap
18. Boom
19. Mast
20. Inspection Ports
21. Clips & Storage ...
22. Compass, Electr...
23. Wind Indicators
24. Tape & Line
25. Safety Equipment
26. Repairs & Maint...
27. Reefing
28. Camera
Part Four
29. Radial Rig
30. 4.7 Rig
Part Five
31. Amendments
Class Rule Interpreta...
Measurement Diagra...
Mast Top, Boom, F...
Laser MKI Sail & M...
Laser MKII Sail & M...
Laser Radial Sail & ...
Laser 4.7 Sail & Ma...
7. Sailing Requirements
7. セーリング要件
The boat shall be raced with either one or two persons aboard.
本クラスの艇は、1人乗り または 2人乗りでレースに出場することができる。
When two persons race a boat they shall race together throughout the entire race or series of races without alternating at the helm.
ただし、2人乗りの場合には操舵を交代せず、レースやシリーズの最初から最後まで 2人乗りのままレースしなければならない。
No part of the helmsman or crew may be placed forward of the mast while racing.
In a series of races a sail shall not be changed for another unless written permission for an individual change is obtained from the race committee.
Written permission shall only be given in the event of a sail damaged beyond repair or damaged to the extent that it cannot be repaired before the start of the next race in a series.
In the event of a change the damaged sail shall not be used again in that series even if it is subsequently repaired.
For the purpose of this rule, a series is deemed to be two or more individual races which count towards an overall points total.
ここでいうシリーズとは、総得点にカウントされる 2本以上のレースをいう。
ILCA By-Law 1: Rules クラス規則2020