8. FEES | 8. 会 費 |
The annual fees of the District Association shall be payable to the Association not later than the first day of March in any year or such other day as the District Association shall by By-Law determine, | 協会年間会費は、本協会が付則に定めた期日までに支払うものとする。 | |||
provided that no person may race a ILCA in any event after the last date for payment shall fall due unless the said dues have been fully paid and he shall be a member of the International Laser Class Association as required by the Class Rules. | 年間会費を全額支払った国際レーザークラス協会メンバーでない限り、支払日以前に開催されるいかなるレースにも、レーザー / ILCAでレースに参加することはできない。 | |||